Hello fellow SDA member,
My name is Astrid Bennett- I paint and print fabrics and make large painterly art quilts. I am also the new SDA Board level “Director of Representatives.” That’s way too formal a term for me, —I call myself the Rep of Reps. In any case, I am writing to you because we are looking for volunteers or “ambassadors” in your state. An Ambassador is someone who could be contact person for local groups and events in an area where there is a concentration of members. This is someone who could help a State Rep “on the ground” with events or exhibits without the communication responsibilities of being a Rep. I’ve included some basic information on this job below. Also, if you are a computer junkie and wish to help with creating or updating a state-level or regional blog or Facebook page, let your Rep know. (which is Susan Sorrell email: sorrell@creativechick.com)
This is an exciting time for SDA. We’ve added new Board members who are very committed to thinking forward and embracing the digital age. Our Vice President of Outreach, Jane Dunnewold, is very focused on membership issues, working on several projects such as a mentoring program (hmm, sounds great to me…)
We are in the process of re-evaluating the state representative system in order to make it helpful to members, and your input can be part of this process.
One of the perks of being an Ambassodor is the networking and friendship that comes from working with fellow members. It’s also a way to give back to the fiber arts community and to help insure its future and connection to younger members. Newer members, please note that being new is not a handicap in considering this. Just like in the schools, it’s often the kindergarten parents who are effective volunteers.
Many thanks for thinking about this, and best wishes for good creative work as well.
Astrid Bennett
Board Director of Representatives (“rep of reps”!)
909 Webster St
Iowa City, IA 52240
319-430-3183 cell
319-338-9176 landline
website: www.astridhilgerbennett.com
blog: http://midwestprintworks.blogspot.com/
Ambassadors Job Description — Here’s the skinny:
Facilitates or is a contact person for a local fiber art-SDA group
Helps with local event or exhibit
Supports the state SDA rep. Networks with other Ambassadors if desired.
Is enthusiastic about SDA as well as a good “on the ground” communicator
Works with state rep to funnel news and events to her. She will be the organizational contact person and will create regular email communication with state members.
Enjoys the friendship and networking a group of like-minded fiber artist provides and the knowledge that she is contributing to field of fiber art as well as its future.
Ideas? Much is possible.
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